Time measurement Bio-Units
Year 2022
Living matter as the medium to elaborate sculptural processes
through time. Bio-Sculpture as a unit to measure growth, scales,
temporal lines and research on fungal colonies.
Informed by microbiology, biodesign,
philosophy, electrochemistry, futurology,
biotechnology, microscopy, phycology,
soil science
The Chemistry of Biomaterials
Year 2020 - Ongoing
Learning through experimentation and study of compounds, connecting the micro scale of chemical properties of compounds with the macro scale of cosmos, through artistic intuition informed by chemistry.
Biomaterials have the possibility to be made and manipulated by everyone and it is through the creation of the materials that we have the opportunity to learn about the chemistry of biomaterials.
Informed by chemistry, biodesign,
philosophy, biomaterials, physics,
Biomaterials experimentation, creation and the relation with the human body
Year 2020 - Ongoing
Connecting different scales to cosmos through creative intuition applied to matter
Informed by philosophy, chemistry,
biodesign, biomaterials, futurology,
energy harvesting technology
Geographies of the Unknown
Year 2020
Blue-Green algae Spirulina . Speculative Project with spirulina bioplastic focusing on electrical current from algae during photosynthesis.
Algae as a way to produce energy.
Informed by bioelectrics, chemistry, biodesign, biology, art, philosophy, futurology, materials research, phycology
Biomatter becomes Bioenergy
Year 2020
From the series "New Systems" Light , Matter Bioplastic research and experimentation with biomatter to examine relations between light and materiality. How light can be a medium to document a visual passage from a human scale dimension to a cosmic one?
Informed by chemistry, physics,
spirituality, bioelectricity, energy harvesting
technology, biodesign, futurology, social
sciences, biomaterials, philosophy